Resume - Lise Weller - Fused Glass Artist
In applying for the Emerting Artists Grant, I recently explained that I am eager to share my innovative, wearable glass art on a wider scale. I spent much of my childhood in Hawaii, and my teen years in Italy. These influences are still present in my work today. I am an avid diver, and the influence of the oceanic world is evident in my work in color and form. The experimenting that I do with my work, and the holographic effects that I achieve are what make the techniques I've developed exciting for me as an artist. I work in partnership with the medium, and allow each glass piece to take me on a wonderful journey. No two pendants are alike… Each is as unique as the individual who will ultimately wear it.

I went to Mass College of Art 1968, but eventually left to follow a very successful career manufacturing and selling leather goods. I returned in 2005 to complete my education at Western Connecticut State College where I majored in Fine Arts and graduated with honors. I am fairly self taught in the field of glass art. I began working with stained glass, then moved into glass blowing, and for the last 10 years, glass fusing. I have loved working with all kinds of glass for almost my whole life, eventually retiring from my business to follow my passion for glass full time. Recently when I returned to college I worked independently with glass sculpture and vessels, eventually finding my way to the glass jewelry that I make today.Job experience:
2006-present Making, showing and selling glass jewelry. Featured artist at White Plains Outdoor Art Show, First Place Glass Artist at Hygenic Bizarre Bazzar, Invited artist at Lincoln Center American Craft Council Shows. My yearly schedule includes about 20 juried fine art and craft shows throughout the Northeast.2011-2012 Full time caregiver for my mom and uncle.
2008-2010 Art teacher at Mission Grammar School in Boston, Ma. Created art program for grades Pre-kindergarten to 8th. Every Jan-March when I was not showing, I would bring my kilns to Boston and teach a semester of glasswork for grades 4-8.

1969-2006 Manufacturing and selling leather goods. I left Mass Art to work with leather professionally. While at Mass Art I was making custom beaded leather bags which attracted the attention of a famous leather retailer and manufacturer. A fantastic job offer came, so I left college to work for Walter Dyer Leather in Boston. Eventually I managed the Beacon Hill and Rockport stores. Upon his retirement my father bought the Boston store from Walter Dyer which began a leather dynasty in my own family. We eventually had seven very successful leather stores in various locations. I opened The Cow’s Outside Leather Shop in Danbury CT in 1978, and ran a thriving business for 30 years. My son took over when I retired to do glass full time and teach. We still own Helen’s Leather, at 110 Charles St. on Beacon Hill in Boston, which has been a iconic landmark for over 40 years.